ViperAI is AlphaNet’s flagship deep learning-based AI signal/strategy, and was built to deliver superior risk-adjusted returns by predicting directional momentum. ViperAI is long/short market neutral, and is expected to profitable on in any market condition.
As a complete signal system, you can simply use ViperAI through the AlphaNet Chart System or through Telegram Notifications by binding your account with the AlphaNet Telegram Bot, where the user will receive Long, Short, and Close Position notifications.
Here is the trading data of the system from 1/1 to 7/31 for BTC and ETH Perpetual Futures, based off an average of 70% exposure/position size.
The signals and strategies for each trading pair available in ViperAI are independent AI models, hence they do not have dependence upon each other, and can be used in combination. Currently, the strategies for BTC and ETH are in the default frequency – later ViperAI will add multiple frequency trading options for the same trading pair (some models reduce the number of trades by half but still delivers quality returns) to cater to different profiles of traders.
The equity curve below shows the data for ViperAI BTC and ETH pairs used together at 60% exposure each from 1/1 to 7/31:
Here’s how position entry/exits work in ViperAI:
Entry: when a long/short signal is generated.
Exit: when a close signal is generated.
For exit, there are two mechanisms 1) when the model generates a close signal due to strengthening opposite signal strength 2) when a 2% stop loss point for BTC and ETH pairs trigger. Hence a position would close whenever either of 1) or 2) happens, whichever happens first. In either case, there will be a “Close” notification either in AlphaNet Chart System or via Telegram.
It is recommended that after every long/short entry, the 2% stop loss for BTC and ETH is set. In many cases, an early close signal would trigger before the stop loss point. After other trading pairs are added to ViperAI, there would be different stop loss points depending on the pair.
Receive Signal Notifications in Telegram
To receive ViperAI signals in Telegram, first set your username in Alphanet account settings, and then subscribe to the AlphaNet Telegram Bot via this link:
Then follow on screen instructions for subscribing to different pairs.
Last updated